- Preface
- Editor's Preface
- Acknowledgments
- A Note on the Text
- I From Vienna to London, 1932-42
- An Émigré in England
- Mental Shorthand
- Politics, Philosophy and Society
- Sex and Character, Yours and Mine
- II Psychology, 1942-47
- (1) Psychology and Sociology: Responses
to Margaret Phillips (1942-47)
- Small-group Psychology
- Language of Psychology
- From Community to Association
- Individual Psychology and Its Relation to Group Psychology
- (2) Psychological Observations (1945-47)
- Prostitutes Wear Marriage-rings: Group Self-contempt
- Psychological Essays
- On Maturity (from The Psychologist)
- Psychology and Gender
- (1) Psychology and Sociology: Responses
to Margaret Phillips (1942-47)
- III Music and Psychology, 1946-52 (and after)
- The Psychology of Opera
- The Psychology of Film Music
- Creative Character: Its Psychology
- The Psychology of Performers
- The Psychology of Composers and Listeners
- Psychology and Aesthetics
- The Psychology of Genius (Two Essays from 1956)
- The Psychology of Music and Its Effects: Two Fragments
- Aphorisms on Music
- The Psychology of Everyday Musical Life
- Appendix: Two Stories and a Play
- Index